Jumat, 01 November 2013


Mpu Tantular museum in Surabaya specifically keeps the cultural treasures of Indonesia during the course of its history for centuries.
The collections of the ancient Indonesian artifacts in the museum are classified ini eleven separate rooms.
  • In the first room there is a collection of artifacts dealing with natural history, consisting of various kinds of stone, wood fossils, etc.
  • The second room shows a collection of prehistoric artifacts such as stone tools from the area of Pacitan on the Southem coast of East Java.
  • Archeological artifacts are kept in the third room with miniatures of the Borobudur and Prambanan temples.
  • In the fourth room there are traditional technological tools.
  • In room no.5 there is another collection of traditional technological tools, similar to those in room no. 4.
  • Room no.6 contains typical Indonesian tools used when a (woman) guest is offered to chew betel leaf, gambier; soft lime and tobacco. There are also double-sided sharp Javanese daggers (keris).
  • In the sevent room there is a collection of masks and other local as well as regional artifacts.
  • The eight room is not open to the general public. Inside there is a collection of various gold necklaces, pendulums, etc.
  • A collection of traditional transport and communication tools is in room no. 9. Particularly interesting are three kinds of bicycles in this room: one is high, the other is made of wood and the third bicycle is steam-driven.
  • In the tenth room there is a collection of ceramics from the East Java Majapahit kingdom and from the Chinese Ming dynasty in the 14th to 17th centuries.
The eleventh and last room has a collection of Indonesian numismatics, coins, and banknotes from the colonial period (before 1945) and from 1945 until now

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